welcome to the styled by mia experience


Jamia Cain Thomas founder of Styled by Mia

Jamia's creative energy is felt through everything she creates. Allow her to come in and style your home, office, party or anything else that may need that special flair!


Styled By Mia is a company specializing in styling all your individual
needs, whether it is an event, or decorating your home and office.
Yes, I will even style your home for the holidays!


My job is to listen to my clients' needs and tend to them in a proper and professional manner. I am here to do all of the work with you. For many people, designing and planning an event can be quite stressful but allow me to put you at ease while executing your styling needs. I vow to keep a consistent line of communication throughout every stage of the styling process.

My Promise to My Clients

Provide high level customer service

Maintain a positive work environment

Customer service with a smile

I will keep a consistent line of communication with you and update you on our progress

 I will always be available to assist you with any questions or concerns

I will be patient with you

I will help you create your vision within your budget

I will take great pride in styling your home, office or event

I want every client to walk away with an exceptional Styled By Mia experience!

Jamia Cain Thomas
"From My Heart to Your Home"




contact us

We would love to "style" whatever your heart desires. Feel free to complete the form below in regards to your specific needs and allow us to make your vision a reality!


We thank you for considering Styled By Mia for your styling needs. Please allow 24-48 hours for a member of our team to respond. We are excited about the opportunity to work with you!